Monday, 28 March 2011


I know that I have said this before so I will keep it short but I just wanted to share these thoughts while I can:

Animal Sacrifice is only called for by Moses in Leviticus and Deuteronomy as a way of persuading the Hebrews to abandon the religion of the Egyptians. After the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD the Jews abandoned the use of Animal Sacrifice and finally listened to the pleadings of the Prophets.

It seems strange to me that Christians have held on to the inherent acceptability of Human Sacrifice and Vicarious Atonement, which were forbidden under Jewish Law and would have been anathema to our dear Lord?

Below are some pictures of Egyptian Gods so you can see why Mosses advocated killing them – politically adroit if not an animal lover that he was.

Can you imagine what the scene inside the temple would have been like - thousands of animals having their throat cut - blood and shit all over the floor - the stink of piss and shit everywhere - priests covered in arterial blood. Buckets of blood being thrown over the Altar - an abattoir! 

This was the scene that confronted our Lord when he threw the people out of the temple. It was because he told them to stop this practice and turn their temple back into a house of prayer that they killed him - wouldn't it have been a bit strange for him to be concerned about Jews getting short changed and everybody reacting in astonishment? They reacted in astonishment because they hadn't been told off for sacrificing animals for 500 years - since the Prophet Hosea.

I really wish people would think before they say that "Christ died for their sins" - Christ came to save us from our sins - his blood is the last thing we need.

God Bless 

John Sobieski

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